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KORG microLABs

Korg Education’s microLAB© is a true “plug-and-play” music technology solution that makes teaching and learning music effective and fun.


Bringing technology into the music classroom is the key to ensuring future success for any music program. Today, more than ever, kids are drawn to new technology and with music it is no different. Korg has developed a revolutionary concept that will change the way music is taught in the classroom and give music teachers the ability to capture more students than traditional methods. By utilizing existing resources in the school, this music technology lab is a fraction of the cost compared to a traditional piano lab.


Kids love technology, learning games and music – the Korg microLAB© combines all these into one fun, easy to use music technology lab. Studies show that exposure to the arts, specifically in music, significantly improves the student’s success in many other areas in the classroom. Achievement, participation, attendance, and future involvement in other music programs are all improved when music is introduced at a young age. microLABs© are the most feasible and cost-effective way to introduce music to students of any age or ability.

Create afterschool programs, special performance groups, expand music classes to a much broader audience at your school – all with the tools in the Korg microLAB©.


Features at a Glance

  • USB-powered Korg microKEY midi controllers featuring 25, 37 or 49 high quality, natural touch mini-keys that accommodates as many student stations and one teacher as you need.

  • Comes with student headphones for silent practice.

  • Use your choice of software for PC and Mac computers either cloud-based for online access, server-based hosted at the school or stand alone.

  • Leverages the already existing computer and iPad labs at the school allowing for maximum usage of the music budget and avoiding expensive computer and furniture purchases.

  • Easily bundled with most software available online or from your local music store.

  • Simple to grow and expand any program with additional software and hardware as your budget will allow.

  • Complimentary 2-year warranty on Korg microKEYs when registered online.




Let us help you customize a microLAB for your classroom - contact us today!

Playing Guitar

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